mxCourt Status Types And Status Stages 1. What Are the Different Status Types on mxCourt? ACCEPTED = The court will select this status after you have “EFILED” DELETED = You can delete a document while in “INCOMPLETE” EFILED = When you are ready to submit to the court, select “EFILED” INCOMPLETE = When you have started a document (before EFILED), it is “INCOMPLETE” RECORDED-U = When the court has recorded the document, it goes to “RECORDED-Unverified” RECORDED-V = When the court has recorded and verified the RECORDED-U document, it goes to “RECORDED-Verified” REJECTED = After you efiled, the court can change to “REJECTED” RETRACTED = You can retract a document while it is in "EFILED Status" 2. The Efile Flow and Status Stages of a Document From Creation to Recording: 1. Create a new document = INCOMPLETED 2. Submit to the court or efile select = EFILED 3. The court can either change to ACCEPTED or REJECTED (You can re-efile a rejected document - use the re-efile button on the detail page) 4. After the document is ACCEPTED by the court and successful payment processing is completed, it is RECORDED 5. After the document is RECORDED, the court places the document into FINALIZED